View map with directions

Map key:
Green – Route to Building
Yellow – Check in and unloading zone
Red – Path to Parking

Getting There

  • From the intersection of Lurleen Wallace Blvd. and University Blvd. (33.209079, -87.571041 on Google Maps), turn East on University Blvd., toward UA Campus.
  • In 0.3 miles, turn Left onto 21st Ave.
  • In 0.2 miles, turn Right onto Jack Warner Pkwy NE.
  • In 1.2 miles, turn Right onto Hackberry Lane.
  • In 0.2 miles, turn Right onto McCorvey Dr.
  • In 0.1 miles, Turn Right onto 2nd St.
  • Follow signage to Ridgecrest Unloading Zone.


  • Staff and volunteers will assist with unloading belongings from the vehicle and transporting items to the resident’s room. We ask that the driver remain with the vehicle while the resident is checking in and unloading.
  • Once the vehicle is unloaded, the driver will need to immediately leave the unloading zone and proceed to the appropriate parking location. Only the resident may check in, parents/guardians will not be permitted to check in on the resident’s behalf. If the resident is also the only available driver, please let our staff know immediately upon your arrival so that arrangements can be made.


  • Exiting Unloading Zone, continue forward on 2nd St.
  • Turn Left onto Marrs Spring Rd.
  • In 0.2 miles, turn Right onto Campus Drive W.
  • In 0.1 miles, parking is on your left at West Commuter Lot.
  • Shuttle Service back to Ridgecrest East