All rooms in Blount, Burke, England, Parham, Paty and Tutwiler include a microfridge in the room. There is a combination unit with a separate microwave, refrigerator and freezer. Dimensions are 18.69″W x 19.69″D x 43.75″H.

We do not recommend moving your microfridge in England and Tutwiler. The outlets they are currently plugged into are rated differently, and moving your fridge will result in frequently tripping the circuit breaker.

Microfridge Troubleshooting

Occasionally a minor issue can occur that you can resolve on your own. However, if if the solutions below don’t help, please submit a work order.

Dial Settings

The dial should never be set to 0. A setting of 1 is the least amount of cooling, while a setting of 7 is the highest level of cooling (7 = the coldest). Double check the dial if you feel like your microfridge isn’t keeping things cold.

dial settings in the microfridge

Check the Outlet

Sometimes the outlet supplying power to the microfridge needs to be reset.

In Tutwiler, the reset button is in the middle of the outlet the microfridge is plugged into, as shown in the photo below.

Tutwiler microfridge outlet

In England, the reset button is located on the outlet above the MicroFridge.

England microfridge outlet

In any other building, trying plugging something else into that outlet, like a small lamp or your phone charger to test the power in the outlet. If the outlet is not working, please submit a work order under the Electrical category for the outlet.

If the outlet is working, and the dial is not set to zero, please submit a work order under the Furniture category for your MicroFridge.