Shared Interest Living-Learning Communities (LLC) are organized either around students’ shared academic or social interests. Students in Shared Interest LLCs have the opportunity to build strong academic and social support systems with their fellow residents with whom they have a common interest. Each group is supported by either an academic department or a Student Life office that work with HRC to provide students with a living experience that is unique to their individual interests.

The following Shared Interest LLC options are available during the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Engineering and Computer Science

A unique living option is available for male engineering and computer science students in Bryant Hall, which houses student-athletes and freshmen from the College of Engineering. This living option provides an environment where students can exchange ideas, experiences, skills, and even class notes. The interaction between students with similar interests, and sometimes the same classes, is one of the main advantages of this living option. Students who select their option should be majoring in a degree program offered by the College of Engineering.

Mallet Assembly

Mallet Assembly, currently located in Highlands, is a group of original thinkers and eclectic personalities. This living option has the following goals:

  • to recognize extraordinary scholastic achievement through its admissions process
  • to encourage further scholastic development through a comprehensive system of in-house programs designed as learning activities that are enjoyable
  • to encourage the development of leadership skills through the self-government of the program and encouragement of individual and collective involvement throughout all areas of campus life
  • to gather students to these ends with high scholastic and achievement records into a unique environment encompassing academics, recreation, unity, and fellowship.

Multicultural Living Learning Community at the Rotary International House

The Multicultural Living Learning Community is a place where students can engage with people and ideas from around the world. The small, co-ed atmosphere fosters an environment where globalism and multicultural communication is practiced through direct interaction. This community is ideal for students interested in studying abroad or who have a passion for global learning. This community is paired with the recommended course CIP 200 Introduction to Global and Cultural Perspectives and participation in the Global Tide small group program.

Visit International Student and Scholar Services for more information, or contact International Student and Scholar Services at

Apply to the Multicultural LLC